Thursday 11 September 2014

Integrated Marketing Communication


It is an approach to achieving the objectives of a marketing campaign through a well coordinated use of different promotional methods that are intended to reinforce each other.

Maggie logo.png
MAGGI’s IMC Strategies :

Market Scenario : New Entrant (1980s)
  • Broadcasting during popular soap opera in doordarshan
  • Communication through print ads that Maggi is a fast food
  • Free samples in schools for promotion
  • Gifts for sending 5 Maggi logos cut from packs
  Maggi Tagline 1.png
Market Scenario : Established Product (1990s)
  • Ads highlighting different flavors
  • Ads targeting children by conducting Maggi Quiz
 Maggie Photo.jpg
Marketing Scenario : Dominant Product in Indian Noodles Industry (2000s)
  • Creating curiosity among the customers about the new variety-Guess the taste
  • Meri Maggi Campaign
Maggi Taggline 3.jpg

Marketing Scenario : Sheer Dominance in the respective market (2010-Till Date)
  • Advertisements done by famous celebrities.

Maggi Noodles - Cover Page 2.jpg

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