Sunday 21 September 2014


Branding is defined as the process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumer's mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a consistent theme. Branding aims to establish a significant and differentiated presence in the market that attracts and retains loyal customers.

Elements Of Branding

  • Brand Name : Maggi 2-Minute Noodles
  • Maggi has been named after its founder Julius Maggi
  • Maggi has become a synonym for noodles all around the world
  • It claims to have added value to our life without taking '2-minutes' of our daily life
  • Easy to memorise and perform
Maggi Branding 1.jpg

Brand Logo:
  • Maggi's first logo was developed by a French painter named Etienne Bouisset
  • The distinctive red and yellow Maggi logo is well known all over the world and these colours are also associated with hunger. Thus we see that a lot of insight and research goes into every single facet of branding.
  • Maggi's logo is also used to promote its range of sauces,pastas and cup noodles
Maggi Branding 2.png

Brand Slogan :
  • Maggi was positioned as '2-Minute Noodles' with a punch line that said "Fast to cook Good to eat"
  • The jingle "Maggi, Maggi, Maggi" quickly grasped the attention of consumers all over India
  • The slogan "Taste bhi,Health bhi" is a strong brand element of Maggi
MAggie 2 Minutes.jpg

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