Friday 1 August 2014

Consumer Buying Decision

What is it that makes people (children and adults alike) consume Maggi and keep coming back for more! Convenience is a big reason but that alone cannot be the driving factor. There are a lot of other things that Maggi has to offer.
Maggi has a large market share and wholesalers and the retailers’ stock it because it is a moving product and they sell like hot cakes.
Maggi noodles is positioned as a low priced (Each packet INR 10/- and chhotu pack is worth INR 5), easy to cook, yummy snack and attracts a large customer base.
A customer’s psychological faculties also play a big role in making the buying decision. A brand recall value or rather an advertisement’s recall value has to be strong. When it comes to this, Maggi noodles beats its competitors. It has a coveted space in the minds of the customers, so much so that other instant noodles are often referred to as Maggi.

Maggie logo.png
Generally the customer goes through 5 stages while making the buying decision for any product or service:

1) Problem recognition, 2) Information Search, 3) Evaluation of Alternatives, 4) Purchase Decision 5) Post purchase Behaviour.

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