Tuesday 22 July 2014



My marketing diary product is none other than everyone’s favourit "Maggi". The purpose of doing this exercise is to understand marketing in totality in reference to a product .It is an extension of our classroom teachings and brings in an element of application of the learnt concepts. Maggi has stood the test of time and sustained, developed, revamped itself over the number of years to such an extent that instant noodles by other brands also are often referred to as Maggi.
Maggie noodles.jpg

The reason of the choice of this product is its success and constant innovation to grip the market over the years. It is an awe inspiring feat to reach the top and maintain that position since its inception.
The definition of marketing by AMA (2007) “Marketing is an activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customer, clients, partners and society at large”

To break it down to simpler terms (according to my understanding), marketing is the exchange of goods and services in return of something which might not be monetary.

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